Hard Money Loans Chicago

Hard Money Loans Chicago

Our primary focus is to provide private hard money short-term funding to Real Estate Investors in Chicago, Illinois for the purchase and rehabilitation of residential investment real estate, and to help you complete projects if you run short of funds.

The primary collateral for funding is the value of the property. We use the purchase price to determine the funding limits. We can provide up to 75% of the purchase and rehab funds for a project for qualified properties and investors.

Eligible properties include:

  • Single-family homes
  • townhouses
  • condos
  • 2, 3, 4 units
  • 5+ units Apartment Buildings
  • vacant land
  • Commercial Properties

Hard Money Scenarios

Do you own a property free and clear or with small mortgage balance?

We can fund investment property loans that need rehab or cash out for business purposes. We are very flexible on income verification and credit scores. If you have a low mortgage balance on your home and are behind on property taxes, mortgage payments and are planning to sell we can help.

Properties in foreclosure can be funded. We do not provide funding for the purchase of properties at an auction. We will fund a property that has been purchased at an auction and has a clear title.


Up to 80% on really good deals.

Loan amounts: In house-up to $3 million 

Lien position: 1st only

Typical terms: 8.5% to 12.9%

1-5 year terms

Properties we will NOT consider:

Motel and Hotels flagged and non flagged-in conjunction with a capital partner

Gas Stations branded and non branded-in conjunction with a capital partner