Investor recently funded for $45,000
This was a deal that took almost no time to get approved and funded. When you look at the photos you may wonder, “How did this get funded at all?”
It’s because of the Investor’s experience and their track record with Private Lending Group.
Not to mention This property is in a good area and values are on the rise.
Interestingly enough this property was already purchased for $24,000 and the funds will be used to finish renovations and getting this property to habitable standards for renting. This Investor is using this recently funded loan to get this ready for sale. So some lucky Buy & Hold Investor is going to end up with a great property when it’s all said and done.
Other deals recently Funded as well
There are other great deals being funded and already funded in Chicago, IL. This isn’t new. However, working with Private Lending Group has been lending on opportunities since 2011. Our President has been doing Private Lending for over 27+ years. He is from the Chicagoland area so he has a great grasp on what each market is doing.
Approximately 75-80% of our loans are in the Chicagoland Area, so you can take confidence that we know what we’re doing.
If you have any projects that you could use a Hard Money Loan on, click here to apply for your Hard Money Loan today.
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